Shreyas Banerjee, 19岁

“在mg冰球突破试玩中学的经历是独一无二的. 这里有一种积极向上的学习氛围. MVCDS中学教会了我如何学习,并给了我成功所必需的技能."


  • 7 - 8年级



16:1学生对老师 比例允许我们的中学教师工作 一对一的 和学生们一起 优先级. 的 Middle School gives students the opportunity to engage in a challenging academic curriculum while simultaneously cultivating their individual 字符 and sense of self.

这样的教育超越了课堂, encouraging students not only to achieve academically but also to grow as productive citizens of the world.
的 Middle School’s supportive community is a place where students in grades 4-8 can be themselves and explore their passions. 教师通过创建支持这些激情的课程来激励学生. A safe and caring learning environment encourages them to grow and take risks while allowing them to make mistakes in an inclusive, 中立的环境.

中学时期(大约9-14岁)是一个巨大成长和变化的时期. Students are regarded as individuals and the faculty strives to meet their unique educational and social-emotional needs. 严谨的学术与品格教育相结合, 高水平的创造力, 有规律的体育活动. This successful combination ensures that all Middle School students strike a balance between academic achievement and overall personal well-being.

的se maturing students develop their leadership and team-building skills beyond the classroom through participation in 体育社区服务项目和课后俱乐部.

Required and elective Middle School classes also enhance and emphasize critical thinking and creative problem-solving. 严格的课程表能让学生每天都积极参与、充满动力、充满挑战. 积极和深思熟虑的课程是常态, 学生们每天都要与老师和同学合作. 八年级的演讲, 跨学科的科学, 和社会研究报告以及小, 研讨会式的课程进一步为学生准备mg冰球突破试玩 上学校.

Self-reflection is fostered as students lead their own conferences while developing goal-setting skills.


我们的老师意识到他们的学生有能力取得远远超过考试成绩的成绩. 的y know their students are capable of conjuring entire worlds with nothing more than a pen and paper, 或者根据对需求的简单观察,创建一个计算机程序. Teachers aim to give students the enriching experiences that will help them become independent minds and thoughtful individuals.


中学家长可以从mg冰球突破试玩期待伟大的东西. 学生将学习和生活 中学支柱 善良、尊重、责任和参与. 的se important 字符 traits permeate every lesson and activity throughout the Maumee Valley Middle School.
mg冰球突破试玩是唯一一所经过prek -12年级认证的学校, 男女合校, 以及俄亥俄州西北部和密歇根州东南部的独立学校.